How to be Actively Involved in the Prayer Ministries of the Abbotsford SDA Church
Pray for the collective needs of the local church and of individuals as made known to you by word of mouth, e-mail communications, the “Prayer Corner” in the Church Bulletin or on this site.
Become a Prayer Warrior or a Young Prayer Warrior. These groups of people have a special interest in praying for prayer requests as they become known. Their names are added to computer distribution lists and e-mailed as needed. You can find forms for joining in the foyer next to the Prayer and Praise Box or make your request to
Place written prayer requests in the Prayer and Praise Box in the foyer of the church or submit them on this website.
Share your stories of answered prayer by placing them in the Prayer and Praise Box in the foyer of the church, submitting them on the form to the right or sending them directly to
Attend the Wednesday Prayer Meeting starting at 7:00 PM in the conference room of the church. Be blessed by sharing answers to prayer, praying for prayer requests, singing and studying the current topic with the group.
Attend the periodic Evenings of Prayer sponsored by the Prayer Ministry Committee. These intimate events feature hearty-warming stories and testimonies from speakers who have been drawn closer to God through prayer.Watch for announcements throughout the year.
Become a Prayer Walker. This group of people likes to pray intercessory prayers for their neighborhoods and city as they walk. Their names are added to a computer distribution list and e-mailed as needed. Please make your request to
Visit this website for the latest up-to-date Prayer Ministry information.